Friday 10 April 2020

Dreams Redefined

A dreamer's perspective......

“See!! I made your dream come true!!”

He was smiling with a coffee mug in his hand and greeted me with this statement as soon as the video chat was connected.

“And I promise,” he continued, “I will come down to meet you as soon as this locked down opens up.”  He even showed me his social media post, where he had mentioned my name, along with others, as people he wants to meet once the world is free of this dreaded disease. (COVID-19 – year 2020).

Earlier that day, I had messaged my long-not-seen, long-distance friend, telling him about the dream that woke me up that morning. I saw the global locked-down had come to an end. We were again moving about like free birds. To celebrate the occasion, we had met in a coffee shop. He laughed out loud when I cracked a joke and threw potato fries at me.

And I woke up with a start, still smiling from my dream and the joke.

I am not complaining at all. But a part of me preferred the dream over this reality.

He had turned my dream into an objective, a goal to be met. It was now also partially real, even though in a virtual medium. I agree I can’t touch it, but I can see it, hear it and feel it. And very soon this reality will turn to a memory. I will cherish the memory. And yet will miss my dream.

For me the dream meant hope. Something I would look forward to. I cherished my dream. Of course, I want it to turn into a reality one day. But I prefer waiting for that day without desperation or despair. I want to enjoy my journey, without any pressure or expectation of timelines or targets. I want to think about my dreams, imagine them every day, with my eyes wide open. Without the fire of ambition burning underneath, and its smoke filling my eyes.

But this is my perspective. A dreamer’s perspective. I don’t want my dreams to keep me awake at night. I want them to take me towards a deep slumber, with a smile on my face.

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