Friday 7 December 2018

From 'I Do' to 'Did you'!!

Its been a decade since then. Yet I am struggling today.

Its our tenth wedding anniversary and I still haven’t figured out what possibly could be an appropriate gift to mark the occasion. I don’t know which picture to post on our social media sites and I don’t know which words of love and appreciation will describe the relation and the associated emotion.

So I thought of pouring out my confusion on a sheet of paper.

It is surely difficult to describe ten long years in ten brief words. After I met my husband on an online site, I had updated my chat status – ‘life on a roller-coaster ride’. Honestly, it continues to be the same.

From a helicopter view of things, we are no different from many other couples out there. Our problems are same, same have been our challenges and our struggles. We have enjoyed creating and cherishing memorable moments. And just like many other pairs out there, we have continued the journey, sometimes walking together, sometimes just parallelly.

There is no denying the fact that things did change after marriage. In any case, ten years is a long time period for anything to remain constant. We have heard multiple stories around us about love getting lost or forgotten in the chaos of daily life. Love hormones getting replaced by adrenaline rush. And marriage acting like an eye-opener for couples blinded by love. Coming back home, for us also, change has been significant to say the least. Today being a parent, an employee, a child and a partner takes precedence on being a spouse. I agree that most of these different roles come with a package of joint venture, co-operation and togetherness. Yet, they don’t match the love-criteria specified by Cupids.

I will be brutally honest at this point. My husband and I spend most of our days checking off our to-do lists. Any available time is divided between traffic jams, grocery lists and school assignments. In the mad rush of life we do struggle to find time for ‘love you’, ‘miss you’, ‘need you’, ‘I do’…. What remain are the asks, ‘did you pay the bills’, ‘did you check your account’, ‘did you buy the stuff’, ‘did you already managed to or do you want me to finish the pending tasks'?

Yet after all this is done, once in a while, our lovelorn hearts leave the comfort of our home. We usually find shelter in any coffee-shop which caters to the needs of night-owls. Whether this happens on a blue moon night or full moon is of no consequence.  What matters is the solace. With our friends and family comfortably tucked in their beds, with official messages and emails expected to go unread, with least possibility of the phone ringing, most things around us become silent. Only things heard are our unending conversations. This is the time when the unsaid is repeated, without fear or inhibitions. From the darkest corners of our hearts to the illuminated spaces in our mind, nothing remains hidden. From idle gossip to daily no-nothings, from secret desires to life goals, everything is shared. Even the boundaries of time get blur, keeping us engaged well past mid-night.

Our late-night rendezvous with coffee and love has also become a decade old tradition now. Today also, when I am still-clueless about any tangible gift to mark the occasion, I may end up inviting my best half to yet another tête-à-tête. And this is where we may end the last ten years of this marriage and start the next ten.

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