Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Tussle between beauty and brain

Let me clarify at the outset. This post is with all due respect to past, reigning, wanna be and couldn't be beauty queens. May your flag remain flying high.

It is also posted with same respect for those obsessed with intellectual gymnastics. 

When Einstein was approached by a beautiful girl with marriage proposal, he apparently declined it (as per the folktale passed down generations) fearing their kids may inherit his looks and her brains. The genius presumably doubted her grey matter credentials. 

In more recent times and not so legendary a situation, I met old-time friends from my post-grad school. One had come after completing a high-profile corporate meeting. The other had put on hold a research paper she was working on in her university provided cabin. The third one had rushed after completing her household duties, carrying her toddler in arms. After the expected "OMG", "look at you", 'hugs and kisses'....we settled down for a cup of coffee. During the conversation one of them exclaimed..."actually we have not changed much over the years. Today also we all are 'sans-makeup'!!"

In a more homely setup, during a casual conversation I told my mother about an upcoming event in my husband's office where spouses were invited. "I suggest  (pause) you buy a suitable dress." And we all know what it means when mothers 'suggest'. "It's alright to be your husband's 'pillar of support', 'best friend' 'emotional anchor' etc" she continued. "But there are days when you should only focus on how you look."

Similar advice continued to drizzle as I bumped into my friendly neighbour. I was rushing out of home to catch my flight. She looked at the book I was holding in my hands. I had planned on reading it during the flight and thus had intended to keep it with me in my hand baggage. "You must enjoy when going for a vacation." She shared her friendly advice. "Enjoy the beauty of nature. You can read this (pointing at the book) any time."

The above recollections came rushing back to me as I was staring at the supermarket floor plan which showed cosmetic section on second floor and stationery on third. Like our socio-mental framework, beauty and brains here also had separate disjoint sections.

I had few extra minutes on me after completing my grocery shopping. The choice was between a little trinket or a scribble-pad. 

I gave up the tussle and instead picked up a cup of coffee while walking towards the parking area.

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