Monday, 25 January 2016

My Wish List

We recently moved cities – with bag and baggage and our small joint family of grand-parents and kids. To help them all settle in their new habitat, I decided to take a small sabbatical from my daily schedule and professional responsibilities.  Setting up the home, managing logistics and doing daily chores, last few days passed in a jiffy.

I happened to speak to a friend the other day, who laughingly remarked – make hay while the sun shines. Enjoy your vacation till it lasts. You never know when you will get this chance again.

I pondered on her words of advice, and the same night sat down to write my wish list – list of things I want to do before I resume walking on a tight rope, balancing my personal and professional aspirations. I am sharing my list here in a hope that it’ll work as a reminder for me J

1.       To try new flavors of premium tea – I recently heard about a supplier of premium tea. Ever since I have been planning to buy a few different variants. These I want to enjoy sitting in a corner of my terrace, away from all noise.

2.       To be able to complete one book – My last few reads were non-fiction. As each section was a complete thought in itself, it didn’t bother me if I missed a few sections. And I did miss almost invariably. But now I want to read one complete book – cover to cover.

3.       To be able to write – To live an experience which I can make memorable by sharing on this platform

4.       Enjoy a session of bakar with an old friend – if you want to know what I mean, please read my earlier piece Aristotle’s Rhetoric Vs Our Bakar

5.       One extensively elaborate, but lazy breakfast buffet after a refreshing morning walk.

It is rightly said that work expands to fill the time available. Being a living testimony of this statement, I manage to remain constantly engaged through the day. Thus I am refraining from preparing an extensive or ambitious wish-list.

Now keeping my fingers crossed, hoping I will manage to check them all.